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Li Dan Wan


SKU: N102 Category:


Ever Spring High Concentrated Herbal Pills

What does it do?
Li Dan Wan clears away the heat-evil and stops pain. It is indicated for infection of biliary tract, gallbladder stone, cholelithiasis and colitis.
Radix et Rhizoma Rhei (da huang)
Flos Lonicerae (jin yin hua)
Herba Lysimachiae (jin qian cao)
Rhizoma Anemarrhenae (zhi mu)
Folium Isatidis (da qing ye)
Radix Bupleuri (chai hu)
Radix Paeoniae (Alba bai shao)
Radix Scutellariae (huang qin)
Natrii Sulfas mang xiao
Herba Artemisiae Scopariae (yin chen)
Li Dan Wan is made of 100% pure authentic Chinese herbs of highest qualities. Traditional preparation procedures are combined with modern pharmaceutical processes to extract the active ingredients from the herbs and to further concentrate them into pills or tablets. It is Ever Spring HERB-GMP certified and and is imported to USA in accordance with the FDA guidelines.
How to use it?
200pill/bottle. 5-8 pills 3 times daily with or before meals.
Side Effects:
Li Dan Wan has been safely used with few adverse effects.
1. Use with caution if you are pregnant.
2. Consult your herbalist or physician before use if you are taking other medicines.
3. Keep out of reach of children.
(949)727-0898 Directions Contact/Schedule