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Why Dragon Acupuncture is Different?

To get the best results from acupuncture, choosing the right acupuncturist is the key. What sets us apart are our acupuncturist’s exceptional credentials, expertise and many the special features that our practice has to offer.

Highest Medical Education: We have Ph.D. degrees with 11- 13 years of medical education from China’s best medical university, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, and have learned from the best Chinese medicine and acupuncture masters the world has to offer. Acupuncturists with such long and high-leveled medical education are very rare in the United States; there are hardly many, even in China! Because of the specific complicity of human body, the broad spectrum of diseases and the rich medical knowledge, extensive medical education is essential to becoming an outstanding acupuncture doctor. As such, we spent two to three times as long as a regular medical professional to learn as much as possible about our profession, and in return can be confident in helping patients as much as possible.

Rich Experience: 
Chinese medicine and acupuncture are a clinical experience-based medicine. It requires years of practice to become an excellent acupuncture practitioner. It takes an even longer time to become an acupuncture expert and master. Each of our key acupuncturists has over 30 years of medical experience from both China and United States.

Exceptional High Qualifications:
Our founding acupuncturists, Dr. Shi and Dr. Zhao, have been professors in medical universities in not only China, but also the United States and Canada. They have trained thousands of Chinese medicine and acupuncture doctors and have also taught continued-education courses for acupuncturists. In addition, they also have published numerous acupuncture books (including university textbooks) and journal articles.

Expertise in Difficult Medical Problems:
To treat difficult medical problems, it requires that the medical provider not only has high education and rich experiences, but they also need to catch up with the latest medical advances. The theory and practice of soft tissue injury and disorder is a brand-new medical area, and many difficult medical problems are found to be closely related to the soft tissue injury and disorder. Dr. Min Shi and Dr. Huifang Zhao have extensive knowledge in soft tissue injury and disorders. With our unique acupuncture techniques, we have made many “untreatable” medical problems become treatable and have helped thousands of patients that traditional acupuncture treatments have failed to treat.

If you would like to know why our unique acupuncture techniques are different, you are welcome to call us to schedule a consultation appointment.

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