OMD in China
- Expert in Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture
- One of the Few Acupuncturists Hold a Ph.D. from China
- California Licensed Acupuncturist
- Former Professor at Chinese Medical Universities in China & United States
- 13 Years of Training in Chinese & Western Medicine
- 40 Years of Experience
- Works at Irvine Clinic (Endeavor).
Dr. Zhao earned her bachelor’s degree in Chinese medicine from China’s Guiyang College of Chinese Medicine in 1985, after five years of training in both Chinese and Western medicine. She completed her residency at the First Affiliated Hospital of Guiyang College of Chinese Medicine in 1988.
Then, she completed three additional years of training in both Chinese and Western medicine and earned her master’s degree in Chinese medicine from the same college in 1991. She continued her training at Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, one of the most prestigious Chinese medical universities of its kind.
Dr. Zhao trained under doctoral professor, Dr. Liu Shichang, who has more than 60 years of medical experience and is one of the most famous Chinese medical doctors and masters in China.
Dr. Zhao earned her doctoral degree in Chinese medicine in 1995. In 1998, she went to Japan to pursue her second Ph.D. in Western medicine at Shimane Medical University.
Dr. Zhao worked as a lecturer, teaching Chinese medicine at Guiyang College of Chinese Medicine. She also worked as a physician at the same college.
After earning her Ph.D., she worked as an associate professor at Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, and as a chief physician at its First Affiliated Hospital, one of the largest comprehensive hospitals in China.
Dr. Zhao was a key researcher for more than ten international research projects sponsored by the Chinese and Japanese governments.
In 2000, Dr. Zhao came to the United States and worked as a Professor at Samra University of Oriental Medicine in Los Angeles. Throughout her medical career, Dr. Zhao has taught Oriental medical courses for acupuncture students and continuing education courses for licensed acupuncturists.
In 2002, with her husband, Dr. Min Shi, Dr. Zhao created Dragon Acupuncture & Herb Center, Inc., a successful practice in Santa Clarita, California. She started her practice in Irvine California in 2008..
PUBLICATIONS, Conference participation, and Presentations
Dr. Zhao has published several books and numerous journal articles on Chinese medicine. In addition, she has participated in and presented at many international conferences on Chinese medicine.