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Healthy Foods for Fall
The season of fall brings cooler weather and shorter days. As with any season, the world adjusts accordingly. Plants begin to go dormant, animals begin scrounging for food to store to get them through the upcoming winter months and humans start winterizing everything.
As fall descends on the land, it reminds us we need to start cutting back on the numerous cooling foods that are consumed during the summer months. Things like raw foods, salads, juices and fruits should be decreased because they can create too much cold in the body, according to traditional Chinese medicine. continue reading
Five Reasons to Get Acupuncture for Low Back Pain
Statistics show eight out of 10 people will experience low back pain at some point during their life. Seeking medical treatment for back pain is very common. Typically back pain is fleeting and can be easily resolved with rest, heat and an occasional anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen. However, once the damage is done, the recurrence of back pain can be as high as 50 percent. Part of this is because as we age, things like muscles and tendons become less flexible and pliable. It is also very well known in the United States, people are too sedentary and this leads to excess weight gain that can create added pressure on the body, especially the low back. continue reading
If you suffer from headaches, you are not alone. Over 50 million of us experience some form of a severe headache at some point in our lives. Whether you experience minor head pain or severe migraines, headaches can take valuable time out of your day and your life, and leave you searching for relief.
One way to seek relief is by reaching for drugs and other medications. This is fine for the short run, and can help you get out of pain fast. Unfortunately, common headache medications do not address the root cause(s), and when used over long periods of time can cause unwanted side effects.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offer a safe and effective approach to relieving headache pain, without causing harmful side effects, and incorporate a comprehensive diagnostic protocol that can help your acupuncturist understand and address the root cause(s)
of your headaches.
Understanding headache types.
There are many factors in TCM theory that may play a key role in the root cause(s) of a headache.
These include body constitution, emotional health, excessive work,
social and exercise activities, improper diet, physical trauma and hormones. Headaches can also be diagnosed according to specific symptoms, times of occurrence, location on the body, type of pain, triggers and remedies which provide relief.
A natural path to relief.
Acupuncture and TCM takes a holistic, or whole-body approach to health. Your practitioner will take a detailed health history, and perform a physical exam to determine how and why your body’s vital energy, or Qi, is out of balance and identify what type of headache you are experiencing. He/she will also attempt to determine what root cause(s) are contributing to the overall problem. By identifying and treating the underlying cause(s), not just the symptoms, he/she can apply the most effective care.
What do you mean my Qi is out of balance?
An important part of acupuncture and TCM is the concept of Qi. Qi (pronounced “chee”)
is the vital energy that animates the body and protects it from illness.
It flows through pathways called meridians, and provides nourishment
to all the body’s organs. When there is an imbalance or blockage in the flow of Qi, physical symptoms may result. Qi stagnation may be the cause of your headaches.
During treatment, in order to restore the balance and flow of Qi, fine sterile needles will be inserted at specific points along the meridian pathways. Based on your unique symptoms, your acupuncturist will choose to concentrate on acupuncture points related to specific organs. Afterwards, a variety of self-care techniques may be prescribed to further expedite your healing process.
It is important to remember that acupuncture is not a “quick fix.” Changes may occur quickly or over a longer period of time, depending upon your overall constitution and health. It is also important to closely follow care recommendations suggested by your acupuncturist. Whether it is one visit to address an acute problem, or several visits to address a chronic problem, your acupuncturist will create a treatment protocol that will maximize your healing potential.
Why it is so difficult to cure headaches?
Although there are many kinds of headache and there are many reasons can cause headaches. But studies from China show that over 90% for headaches are due to soft tissue injury/disorders resulting in inflammation or/and adhesion of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and bursas on the back of the scalp, neck and upper back areas that pinch the nerve or irritate the nerve endings in those areas. One major reason causing the headache will be the inflammation or/and adhesion on the attachment of some muscles on the scalp and the first two vertebras irritating the occipital nerve greater, occipital nerve lesser, or posterior auricular nerve.
Conventional medicine usually relies on imaging and lab tests for diagnosis. But headaches are due to soft tissue injury or disorders, and so for most headaches you can usually hardly find anything wrong based on imaging and lab tests. Even though, imaging test may discover bone spurs, or disc bulging or herniation of the cervical vertebras, but these usually are NOT the real reasons for headache.
The key to cure headache is to eliminate the inflammation/adhesions on those affect soft tissues. But this is not easy.
Most people with headache would see MDs, physical therapists, sometimes they see chiropractors or massage therapists, and their headache is usually get better but will not be gone. This is because medications, cortisone injection, physical therapy, chiropractic adjustment, or massage can usually reduce the inflammation/adhesion of the muscles, but they usually do NOT eliminate them, and so the headache will come back again and again.
How regular acupuncture (traditional acupuncture) helps headache?
The regular acupuncture most acupuncturists practice is based on traditional acupuncture theories, such as Qi (Chi), meridians or channels and acupuncture points. Most people with headache usually respond well to traditional acupuncture, some of them can be cured. But many headaches still can NOT be cured with traditional acupuncture. This is because traditional acupuncture does not address the real the cause of the headache which is the inflammation or/and adhesion of the affected soft tissues. In other words, traditional acupuncture does not target the affected soft tissues and so you can easily miss the sites with problem and so the inflammation or/and adhesion may be eliminated and so headache may still come back.
How Dragon Acupuncture practitioners treat headaches differently than other medical practitioners including acupuncturists?
Most of our acupuncturists are specialized in soft tissue injures and disorders. We have developed very unique acupuncture plan/techniques to cure headache based on our long time experience and newest discovery from China.
We use target diagnose which we use our fingers to palpate to identify the injured or disordered soft tissues) and then we use unique acupuncture techniques to target those areas. These target treatments will stimulate body’s healing process to reduce and eventually eliminate the inflammation or/and adhesion of the affected soft tissues and to heal those problem areas. Once those problem soft tissues are healed, then the headache can be clinically cured.
We have a very high success rate in curing headache. So if you have a chronic headache, you should schedule a free consultation with us, we will explain to you how we can help to possibly get rid of your headache in more detail.
Below are a few ways that you can participate in your own healing, by making simple lifestyle changes that may help soothe—or even prevent—head pain.
- Track those triggers: Try to keep track of when your headaches start. Migraine sufferers may find it especially helpful to keep a diary of symptoms and possible causes. Triggers might include anything from eating chocolate, to anxiety or inhaling specific smells. Pinpointing these triggers—and avoiding them when possible—could help.
- Stress relief: Stress puts a lot of strain on the body, and can contribute to many types of health concerns, including headaches. Talk to your practitioner about healthy ways to
handle stress, such as meditation or breathing techniques. - Exercise: Physical activity is an important part of any healthy lifestyle, and is a great antidote to stress. Your acupuncturist can recommend types of exercises that may work best for you.
- Healthy habits: Making minor changes can make a big difference in your overall health and vitality. Do your best to eat healthy, organic foods, and make sure to get enough sleep every day.
Naturally, acupuncture care is extremely effective in reducing the frequency and severity of many types of painful conditions, including headache pain. By working with your acupuncturist and adopting some simple lifestyle changes, you will be on your way toward a healthier, happier, pain-free life.
According to Chinese medical theory, the symptoms and signs that indicate a Western diagnosis of allergies relate to imbalances in the meridian and Organ Systems of the body. These imbalances may stem from a variety of causes, including stress, poor diet, constitutional weakness, pollutants and environmental toxins.
Over time, if imbalances remain within the body, they will affect the functions of the Organ Systems. Some of these Organ Systems are involved in the production of Wei Qi (pronounced “way chee”). According to the theories of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, it is important to have
the correct quality and quantity of Wei Qi circulating around the body in order to stay healthy.
What is Wei Qi?
The Chinese concept of Wei Qi is similar to the Western concept of the immune system. Wei Qi functions to protect and defend the body against foreign substances, that if not caught can lead to allergies. When Wei Qi is strong and abundant, we remain healthy. When the supply of Wei Qi becomes deficient, health is compromised and we become vulnerable to foreign invaders such as dust, mold, animal dander, bacteria, viruses and pollen. People who have a Wei Qi deficiency are prone to allergies and frequent colds.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine support and strengthen the systems of the body that are involved in the production of Wei Qi. By building up the supply of Wei Qi, and facilitating the smooth and free flow of it through the body, symptoms and signs related to allergies could be greatly reduced or eliminated.
Allergies according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can be due to a variety of factors. Below are some of the more common TCM diagnoses that your acupuncturist
may discover and treat.
- Wei Qi deficiency
- Spleen weakness
- Kidney deficiency
- Lung deficiency
What will an acupuncturist do?
An acupuncturist will conduct a thorough exam, taking a complete health history. They will then develop a unique treatment plan that will address your specific concerns. The goals of the treatment plan will be to eliminate visible symptoms and signs, while addressing the root cause(s) and underlying imbalances affecting the quality and quantity of Wei Qi.
Acupuncture treatments may be combined with herbs, dietary changes, massage (tuina), or exercise. These therapies accelerate the healing process in order to balance, build, and support the body’s Wei Qi.
Seasonal allergy tips:
- Flush your nose with a Neti pot.
- Add spicy foods and omega-3’s to your diet.
- Keep your windows closed during allergy season to prevent dust and pollen from entering.
- Put on a dust mask when you are doing yard or house work.
- Do not hang your clothes out to dry in the sun, as they
will gather dust, mold and pollen. - Come in for an acupuncture tune-up.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are a drug-free, safe, natural and effective way to eliminate hay fever, allergies or the common cold.